1st Asian Politics & Policy Conference: Call for Papers
This 1st Asian Politics and Policy Conference will bring together academics, government analysts, and public intellectuals to consider how a radically transformed external environment – particularly with the locus of economic power shifting to Asia – is creating new policy challenges for the Philippines’ political economy, foreign policy, security, and national as well as regional identity.
Presentations and papers on the following suggested themes are welcome:
- Philippine economic strategies for the new Asian century
- The future of the Philippines-US alliance
- Living with China, but loving it?
- ASEAN Regionalism: its promises and its discontents
- Alternative constructions of “region”
- The Philippines’ new security partnerships
- What is an independent foreign policy in a global era?
- Military modernization: imperatives and perils
- Winning the peace: from Mindanao to the South China Sea
- Filipino diaspora: the next 40 years?
- Being and becoming Filipino: ethnicity, identity and cyberspace
- The Philippine archipelago: is our maritime geography a curse or blessing?
Selected papers will be reviewed and may be published in a special issue of Asian Politics & Policy and/or as an edited volume byWestphalia Press.Authors are advised to look at guidelines posted at this link. All submissions and inquiries should be sent to [email protected].

This conference is a collaboration among Asian Politics & Policy, the Policy Studies Organization, the University of the Philippines’ Asian Center, and U.P. Center for Integrative & Development Studies.