ASEAN Economic Integration Project
About the CIDS Project on
“The Philippines and the ASEAN Community:
Challenges and Opportunities”
Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have identified three pillars in the advancing the envisioned ASEAN Community. These pillars include:
- the ASEAN Economic Community;
- the ASEAN Politico-Security Community; and,
- the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. Each pillar has its own set of blueprint and action plans to pursue in line advancing ASEAN integration.
The Policy Discussion Series will focus first on the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and its policy implications and impact on the Philippines.The project seeks to examine the challenges and opportunities facing the country in light of the AEC.
The AEC seeks to accomplish four primary objectives for the region:
- a single market and production base for the region;
- a highly competitive region;
- a region of equitable economic development; and,
- a region fully integrated into the global economy.
The policy discussion series will focus on the first goal because many of its priorities and core elements are already in various stages of implementation in the country and the region.
The policy discussion series will examine the policy impact and long-term implications for the country with the following priorities: free flow of goods,free flow of services, free flow of investments, free flow of capital, free flow of skilled labor, priority integration sectors;and food, agriculture and forestry
There will be six roundtable discussions (RTDs) on the topics listed. Roundtable participants will include academics from various disciplines, government representatives, business sector, labor sector/professionals,civil society representatives, and media. Expert resource persons will lead each panel discussion.
The project will come out with a monograph/book containing the policy presentations and recommendations of the resource persons and panel discussants.
Project Team: Prof. Jaime B. Naval (faculty coordinator); Joshua B. Baquiran (research assistant); Prof. Jose P. Tabbada (consultant); Dr. Temario C. Rivera (consultant); and, Bella R. Lucas (CIDS Researcher).