PUBLIC POLICY JOURNAL VOL. VIII, No. 2 (July – December 2004)
This issue features articles on public policy at the grassroots level in the Philippines. The three studies suggest that public policy must be sited in a communal space occupied jointly by the state and the public. The vision of social transformation is inevitably a political project but it is one in which various stake holders seek to be heard above the din in the halls of politicians.
Issue editor: Dr. Cora Villareal, College of Arts and Letters and OVCRD
This issue looks at studies on tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS and the policy implications of national laws on their regulation. Likewise included is an in-depth study commissioned by UNICEF on children.
Issue Editor: Prof. Concepcion L. jaredeleza, College of Law
PUBLIC POLICY JOURNAL VOL. X, No. 1 (January – June 2006)
Volume X, No.1 focuses on contemporary issues on Health as it is affected by globalization, migration, and terrorism. It also brings attention to civil society participation in health development and to the status of primary health care in the Philippines. The contributors were the project team composed of faculty from the UP Diliman units – CSSP-Political Science, Engineering, Economics, and from the Ateneo University Institute of Philippine Culture led by CIDS Convenor Ma. Lourdes Rebullida.
Issue editor: Dr. Marita T. Reyes, College of Medicine
PUBLIC POLICY JOURNAL VOL. X, No. 2 (July – December 2006)
This is the law issue of the Public Policy Journal. It features articles that confront head-on the deeper issues that underlie current debates over substantive political and social issues: the role of the Supreme Court in deciding cases; the ideological cloak that covers resistance to the teaching of sex education in schools; the hidden institutional barriers to the successful prosecution of crimes against children; and the subtle ways by which the rhetoric of the SONA reshapes not just the president’s image of herself but the Filipino public’s notion of selfhood.
Issue editor: Dr. Raul C. Pangalangan, College of Law
This publication contains the proceedings of the roundtable discussion held in August 2006 which featured a series of talks on the impact of armed conflict on children and the rights of protection they are entitled to on occasions of armed conflict under both international law and the Philippine law.
Editors: Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan and Herminio Harry Roque
Proceedings of “RIGHTS OF CONSCIENCE ACT OF 2006”
This publication contains the proceedings of the Policy Dialogue held on August 22, 2006 which focused on the “Rights of Conscience Act.” This is the heart of House Bill 5028, introduced by Representative Hermilando I. Mandanas.
Editors: Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan and Ma. Lourdes Acosta-Alba
Issue editor: Dr. Raul C. Pangalangan, College of Law