Joint Call for Research Proposals on Higher Education Policy

The UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (CIDS) Higher Education Research and Policy Reform Program (HERPRP), together with the Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM 2), is calling for abstracts on Higher Education Policy as part of a Research Consultancy (first half of 2023).
Proposals on the following areas are welcome:*
- Improving the regulatory and developmental capacity of CHED to ensure quality in all higher education institutions
- Ensuring closer coordination between industry and academe
- Improving the quality of higher education
- Lack of clear framework in the establishment and sustainability framework for existing Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), especially LUCs
- Address substantial challenges faced by private HEIs
- Poor quality and uptake of graduate education in the country
- Lack of capacity to produce quality research in universities
- Lack of capacity for research translation into innovation and technologies
- Infrastructure for digital transformation, research clouds, and educational technologies
- Access to educational technologies and sharing resources
View details and get more information during the application process.
Researchers must have:
- Proficiency in• Research report writing
• Online communication and collaboration tools
• Availability and accessibility of computer and internet connectivity - Preferred but not required
- Proficiency in• Research report writing
• Qualitative analysis using NV/VO
• Quantitative analysis using SPSS or PSPP
• Qualitative and quantitative data interpretation
Deadline and Application Procedures
Please email Professor Fernando Paragas, PhD, HERPRP Convenor at [email protected] and submit the following on or before 26 May 2023:
- Cover Letter
- CV
- 350-500 word extended abstract of your proposed paper
Kindly send queries to the same email address.
About the Higher Education Research and Policy Reform Program
The Program on Higher Education Research and Policy Reform (HERPRP) aims to chart a research agenda, systematically build an evidence base for policy analysis, and create a network of experts and researchers doing work in this sector. HERPRP also serves as a convening body seeking to build partnerships and working collaborative networks among stakeholders. In pursuit of these objectives, HERPRP seeks to gather experts who will collectively map out a short- and medium-term research agenda on the needs of the tertiary education sector.
The UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS) is a policy research unit of the University that is mandated to encourage collaborative and rigorous research addressing issues of national significance. Currently, it has twelve Research Programs, including the HERPRP. Visit the database to download free policy papers, research reports, etc.