General Policies and Services
Regular users are entitled to use the library subject to the UPCIDS rules and regulations. The following are the types of regular users:
- Research Fellows- are members of the UP Faculty and Specialists from other academic institutions and government or private agencies who undertake UP-CIDS individually or jointly with other experts.
- REPS and Administrative Staffs of the CIDS which include the permanents; temporary: UP contractuals and project contractuals.
Non-regular users. The following are the types of non-regular users:
- University officials;
- Graduate students, researchers and faculties of the University;
- Employees of the University;
- Alumni;
- Former members of the faculty and former students of the university who had been honorably discharged;
- Scholars visiting the Center and officers of other libraries extending their facilities to CIDS;
- Members of other research institutions and other private individual if granted permission by the Executive Director/ Librarian;
- Undergraduate and graduate students and faculties from other universities and colleges; and
- Researchers from other government agencies.
- First time regular users particularly researchers and contractual staff of programs are required to fill out a user’s profile form for registration upon presentation of a duly signed CIDS identification card. This record is updated regularly by the CIDS Library staff.
- Non-regular users who will use the library facilities for the first time are required to bring a letter of introduction from either the authorities of the institution they present addressed to CIDS Executive Director or CIDS Librarian.
- Non-regular users are requested to log their name, office address, purpose and borrower’s ID number in the CIDS library’s log book. They must present their ID’s upon requesting CIDS library materials.
Regular Users
- All loan items must be properly charged out before they can be taken out of the library.
- All person borrowing a book from the library are accountable for all borrowed materials
- Reference books like encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, CD’s, etc. are to be used in the library only. They’re not to be taken out of the library premises.
- Books may be loaned out to regular users for one week, subject to renewal. Researchers and staff of the Center may borrow between one (1) to five (5) from one (1) to two (2) weeks depending on the duration of attachment with the Center and on the types of materials. Visiting researchers attached to the Center for at least three months may borrow up to five (5) books upon placing a deposit with the accounts department. The deposit will be refunded when all books are returned to the library. Only CIDS researchers and staff who are attached to the Center for at least a month are granted borrowing privileges.
- Back issue of periodicals and newspaper may be checked out only for two days.
- Current issue can be taken out only for overnight use, one hour before closing time. Only one current title is allowed per borrower and to be returned the first library hour the following day.
- No regular user can borrow more than five volumes at once time.
- For materials needed to accomplish an immediate research task provided a valid proof is presented. (e.g. memo order)
- Materials in circulation may be reserved through a request slip.
- Any materials in circulation may be recalled at any time when these are needed to accomplish an immediate task for the office.
- Any person who fails to return a book within seven days after due date shall pay the fine according to UP Main Library Rates. Program and project contractual shall have their borrowing privileges immediately cancelled.
- Any person who loses the materials shall replace it within 30 days together with accrued fines according to UP Main Library rates plus the processing fee at prevailing prices. If the materials are out print, the cost of photocopying and binding plus processing shall be charged.
Outside users
- Only materials published by CIDS may be allowed to be taken out by non-regular user for photocopying.
- Unpublished CIDS research reports cannot be photocopied unless with prior permission by the Executive Director / or the proper authorities.
- Users may avail of photocopying services in the library free of charge.
- In case where the photocopying machine is out of order, materials that may be taken out for photocopying is determined by the librarian. The users are required to leave their ID’s and borrower’s cards for students, faculty and employees.
- The internet services are for academic related researches only. Computer chats and pornographic surfing are discouraged when using the library computer
- Wifi access is available inside the library free of charge.
- Violator shall face the penalties, which include cancellation of account or suspension of the privilege to use the Internet services. The Librarian and/ or the System Administrator has the option to revoke the privilege or inhibit violators on the use of the facility.
- All users must sign the logbook upon entry and logout upon departure.
- Food or beverages are prohibited inside the facility.