Editor’s Note
Maria Lourdes G. Rebullida vi–ix
PUBLIC POLICY: Volumes 12–13 (2014–2015)

Volume 12
Defining the National Territory: Security and Foreign Relations Dimensions
Aileen S.P. Baviera 21–54
Poverty and Globalization: Is a Radical Rethinking Called For?
Raul V. Fabella and Vigile Marie B. Fabella 55–67
In Defense of the Philippines: Assessing the Factors Affecting the Country’s External Defense Environment
Herman Joseph S. Kraft, Jay L. Batongbacal, Nelson G. Cainghog, and Jaime B. Naval 68–113
Volume 13
Empowering the Nation’s Working Poor
Rene E. Ofreneo 114–150
Reducing Power Rates in the Philippines
Rowaldo D. Del Mundo 151–172
Building Sustainable and Disaster Resilent Informal Settlement Communities
Mario R. Delos Reyes and Angelica N. Francisco 173–200
An Ode to Re-Dimensioning: Philippine Institutions and Governance
Edna E.A. Co, Nelson G. Cainghog, and Ruben Jeffrey A. Asuncion 201–210
Review Essay
Global Politics: Is It an Un-centralizing New World Order?
Primer C. Pagunuran 211–228