Editor’s Note
Provocative Views
Amando Doronila i–ii
PUBLIC POLICY: Volume 3, Number 1 (January–March 1999)

Rizal in the 21st Century: The Relevance of His Ideas and Texts
Cesar Adib Majul 1–22
Interpreting Masonry in the Philippines
Melinda Tria Kerkvliet 23–35
Local Shakespeare, Shakespearean Locales
Judy Celine Ick 64–81
The Fatherland, Nationalist Films and Modernity
Rolando Tolentino 82–101
Taxation by Regulation: Searching for a Post-Privatization Framework
Nimai Mehta 102–118
On Raul Pertierra’s ‘Emancipation Within Culture’
Maria Fer Mangahas 119–121
Reply: Exegetical Consciousness and Culture
Raul Pertierra 122–124
Review Essays
When Bankers are Buccaneers
Filomeno Sta. Ana III 125–132
Beyond Greenhills and Chinatown
Danton Remoto 133–135
The Antimonies of Petit-Bourgeois Radicalism
Patricio Abinales 136–145
Reply: On Patricio Abinales’ ‘The Antimonies of Petit-Bourgeois Radicalism’
Joel Rocamora 146–148