Call for Papers: "Public Policy Perspectives on COVID-19: Concerns and Challenges" | Philippine Journal of Public Policy
The Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives (PJPP) is now accepting article submissions for its upcoming special section, “Public Policy Perspectives on COVID-19: Concerns and Challenges.” This special section will examine public policy in the time of a pandemic and aims to view pandemic-related policies from a broad range of disciplines and perspectives.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- education
- development paradigms
- social, cultural, and political change
- strategic studies
- ethnicity and religion
- health, science, and technology
- peace and conflict transformation
- migration
- constitutional change
- disaster risk reduction and management
View our full submission guidelines here. The deadline for submission is on June 30, 2021.
For more information, visit or email [email protected].