Face-to-Face Once More: UP CIDS Holds Onsite Program Research Personnel Orientation

On February 15, 2023, the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS), which is the university’s policy research unit, held its annual Program Research Personnel Orientation (PRPO), which sought to orient and review the UP CIDS research program personnel on administrative, finance, publications and library processes among others.
This was the UP CIDS’ first face-to-face Program activity since March 2020 when the pandemic began. In the morning and afternoon sessions, the Program research personnel had the opportunity to listen to the presentations of the UP CIDS Core Staff and to raise their questions and concerns in break-out groups.
UP CIDS Executive Director Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem welcomed the participants and UP Vice President for Academic Affairs Maria Cynthia Bautista, who was UP CIDS Executive Director from 1992-2002, addressed the participants in the afternoon session.

The UP CIDS Core Staff and Program personnel were joined by the following: 1) UP CIDS Program Convenors Dr. Eduardo Tadem of the Program on Alternative Development and Professor Herman Kraft of the Strategic Studies Program; 2) UP CIDS Program Co-convenors Dr. Lorina Calingasan of the Education Research Program, Assistant Professor Benjamin Velasco of the Program on Alternative Development, and Dr. Theamar Tana of the Strategic Studies Program; 3) UP CIDS Project Leaders Dr. Leonila Dans of the Program on Health Systems Development and Jose Monfred Sy of the Program on Alterative Development; and 4) Dr. Marlene Ferrido, Deputy Director of the Assessment, Curriculum and Technology Research Program.
As the University eases back to face-to-face work, the UP CIDS and its twelve Programs look forward to productively collaborating with the public and private sectors to produce research and knowledge in service of the Filipino people.
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