Editor’s Note
Beating the Odds
Amando Doronila i–ii
PUBLIC POLICY: Volume 2, Number 4 (October–December 1998)

Peasants, Patrons and Cooperatives
Teresa Encarnacion Tadem 1–27
History at the Service of the Nation-State
Gregory Bankoff 28–58
Nationalism and a ‘Usable Past’
Kathleen Weekley 59–82
Emancipation Within Culture
Raul Pertierra 83–100
The Illusions of a Cinematic President
Patrick Flores 101–119
Women Warriors: Empowered Women in Southeast Asian Literature
Thelma Kintanar 120–145
Review Essay
Histories and Texts
Caroline Hau 146–156
Changing Contexts of Urban Poor Struggles
Anna Marie Karaos 157–161
Illuminations of the Ordinary
Ricardo Abad 162–166