Job Opportunity @ UP CIDS: Senior Project Assistant

The UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies Strategic Studies Program is looking for one (1) Senior Project Assistant under a Contract of Service, with a rate of Php 40,611.56 (gross inclusive of 20% premium). Application deadline is 2 February 2024.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Assist in the research and other related projects of the program, such as data gathering; transcribing interviews with key informants; coordinating with the project leaders for other concerns related to the project; and monitoring the implementation of projects;
- Contribute original content to the committed outcomes of the Program, such as writing and editing policy briefs, conference proceedings, journal entries (when applicable) and proposals, reports, and other related documents for activities organized in partnership with external organizations/agencies;
- Assist in the preparation and publication of technical and academic outputs of the Program, such as the preparation of proceedings, post-event write-ups, transcriptions, and other documentation requirements for the activities of the Program;
- Manage the preparation and execution of activities of the Program, such as but not limited to producing webinars, web-based roundtable discussions, and others.
- Prepare the administrative requirements of the program and its projects and/or activities, such as but not limited to service contracts, disbursement vouchers, reimbursement requests, annual budget, progress and financial reports, and other documents in close coordination with the Program Convenor and the CIDS
Administrative Office; and - Assist in project development, such as facilitating the planning and coordination of future projects with other government agencies, institutions, and foreign partners.
- Bachelor’s degree in political science, international studies, public administration, or related fields
- At least 3 years of work experience, preferably with a background in research and/or public policy work (Career Service Eligibility is not required)
- Experience in working with government and international partners is preferred but not required.
- Experience in managing projects
- Experience in research and technical writing
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills, as well as management and organizational skills
- Can work independently under limited supervision but is also able to effectively work with a team as needed
- Can work on multiple tasks efficiently
Terms and Work Set-Up
- Contract may be finalized sometime in April 2024. Applicants should be ready to report to work then.
- Contract ends June 2024, and may then be renewed every six months thereafter, subject to performance review and/or necessity of UP CIDS.
- For work arrangements and other queries, please send an email to the Strategic Studies Program (see below)
How to Apply/Send Queries
Interested applicants may send the following requirements to [email protected] with the subject line “SSP Job Application: Last Name, First Name” (ex. SSP Job Application: De
Leon, Maricar):
- Short cover letter addressed to Prof. Herman Joseph Kraft, Convenor, Strategic Studies Program, UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies;
- Curriculum Vitae with work and character references; and
- Writing samples (published or unpublished)
About SSP and UP CIDS
The UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS) is a policy research unit of the University that is mandated to encourage collaborative and rigorous research addressing issues of national significance. The Strategic Studies Program (SSP) is one of the twelve Research Programs. Download all UP CIDS publications for free.
SSP aims to promote interest and discourse on significant changes in Philippine foreign policy and develop capacity-building for strategic studies in the country. It views the country’s latest engagement with the great powers and multilateral cooperation with other states in the Asia-Pacific as a catalyst for further collaboration and multidisciplinary research between the intellectual communities in the region.