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UP CIDS SSP launches volume on strategic policy in PH

The Strategic Studies Program (SSP) of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS) released Toward an Enhanced Strategic Policy in the Philippines, a volume which features cutting-edge research on strategic policy, security studies, and Philippine foreign policy. Edited by UP Department of Political Science professors Aries A. Arugay and Herman Joseph S. Kraft, the volume builds on the outcomes of the 4th Katipunan Conference held in August 2019.
The volume contains an introduction written by Kraft, who also serves as Convenor of the SSP and seven (7) chapters written by Philippine security experts from the academe, government, and think-tanks. The chapters cover various areas of strategic policy and studies, including maritime security, political economic developments, the impact of developments in science and technology, and the development of military industries in developing nations.
A tribute for the late UP Asian Center Professor Aileen S.P. Baviera, a foremost Philippine expert on Chinese studies and international relations, is also included in the volume. Professor Arugay concludes the volume with a discussion of future strategic policy directions for the country.
Toward an Enhanced Strategic Policy in the Philippines was produced by the SSP and published by the UP CIDS with support from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), a Germany-based political foundation which also supported the latest edition of the SSP’s Katipunan Conference last October 2020.
Download the book here.