Assessment, Curriculum and Technology Research Program (ACTRP)
Source/Credit: Therese Bustos
Held in August 26, 2021, Dr. Therese Bustos explained the K to 12 curriculum review process at the Addressing the Challenge of Education Quality, which is part of ACTRP’s educ forum series.
Source/Credit: Therese Bustos
Held in August 26, 2021: Dr. Pam Robertson presented the alignment of concurrent curricula at the Addressing the Challenge of Education Quality, which is part of ACTRP’s educ forum series.
Source/Credit: Junice Nepomuceno
The ACTRP produced modules for the Self-Learning Module (SLM) writers and attended the online training conducted by the Department of Education Bureau of Learning Delivery–Teaching and Learning Division (BLD-TLD) last October 13, 20, and 27, 2021.
Source/Credit: Louie Cagasan
The ACTRP Research Officers with the Bureau of Education Assessment staff and examiners in debriefing session on Computer-based National Achievement Test (CB-NAT) Field Trial in Cebu Province last December 10, 2021
Source/Credit: Kevin Carl Santos
The ACTRP Research Officers with the Bureau of Education Assessment staff and examiners in debriefing session on Computer-based National Achievement Test (CB-NAT) Field Trial in Caloocan City last December 13, 2021
Source/Credit: Lalaine Bagui
Dr. Margaret Wu, the Bureau of Education Assessment staff, and the ACTRP Research Officers during the last session on Introduction to Rasch Analysis last December 16, 2021
Source/Credit: Marlene Ferido
Members of the Advisory Panel and the research team from ACTRP and ARC University of Melbourne for the Feasibility Study on Micro-certification in the Alternative Learning System (ALS) during its meeting last July 21, 2021
Source/Credit: Lalaine Bagui
Preparation of kits for pilot study participants from the four research sites
The Philippines is facing a rapidly changing education system and associated changes in assessment and curriculum systems at national, regional and local levels. Following a major curriculum comparison study completed under the auspices of Australian Aid by the Assessment Research Centre in 2011, the Assessment Curriculum and Technology Research Program (ACTRP) was established in 2013.1
ACTRP is a joint research program between the Assessment Research Centre (ARC) of the University of Melbourne (UoM) and the University of the Philippines (UP). The Program is funded by the Australian government.
In 2019, ACTRP officially became part of UP CIDS.
ACTRP seeks to advise and inform the Philippine system of education through curriculum, teaching, and assessment research based on empirical studies of curriculum innovation and implementation. Through this, the Program aims to equip Filipino students for their participation in an information society and a knowledge-based economy. This involves:
- Assessment of learning across all levels of basic education;
- Curriculum analysis and study of the links between intended, implemented, and achieved curriculum; and
- Examination of the role of technology in the delivery and enhancement of assessment and curriculum.
ACTRP’s three themes are assessment, curriculum, and technology. Research activities must fall within one or more of these strands, and are stimulated by state-of-the art thinking in each, combined with identified needs and priorities of the Philippines education system.2
1 For more information on completed and current projects, news, and resources, please visit http://actrc.org
2 Id.
- 21st Century Skills in the Philippines
- Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Project-end Evaluation Research
- Alignment of Intended, Implemented, and Assessed Science Curriculum Focusing on Inquiry Skills
- Assessment and Reporting Practices that Support Inclusive Education for Students with Additional Learning Needs (SWANs)
- Assessment of Transversal Competencies in the Asia/Pacific — Philippines
- Career Guidance in the Philippines
- Development of Assessment Tools for Elementary Students in ARMM
- Formative Assessment Phases 1, 2, 3, and 4
- Independent Disbursement-Linked Verification Agent for the Learning Equity and Accountability Program Support (LEAPS) Project
- International Large-Scale Assessment (ILSA) Support
- LearnBEST: Monitoring and Evaluation
- Longitudinal Study of Learning Achievement of Students in ARMM (LearnARMM)
- Review of Large-Scale Assessments Relevant in the Philippines
- Review of Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) for the World Bank’s LEAPS Project
- Science Curriculum Study: A Focus on Chemistry
- Understanding Best Practices in MTB-MLE in the Philippines
- Language Match and Teacher Preparation Study in BARMM
- Philippine Basic Education Curriculum Review
- Science and Mathematics Curriculum Study
News & Updates

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A Critical Review of Available Empirical Applications in Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling: A Webinar

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Three Webinars to Comprise ‘Colloquium Series on Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling and Applications’
The Team
Marie Therese A. P. Bustos, Ph.D.
University of the Philippines Diliman
Kevin Carl P. Santos, Ph.D.
College of Education
University of the Philippines Diliman