Contributors are free to submit papers on various topics, especially those that are relevant to policymaking and the 4Es (“Economic Emancipation, Employment, Education, and Environment”) of the Center.
We also welcome articles on urbanization and resource management, interaction and / or divergence of K+12 and indigenous learning systems, and the current state of civil society organizations/ NGOs.
Articles may contain the following:
- Identification of an issue or problem of public interest and concern;
- Contextual background of the public issue or concern ( such as institutional, legal, social, political, economic, or cultural context);
- Evidence-based and scientific methodology applied to the topic analytics;
- Presentation and effective argumentation of options and alternatives;
- Implications or recommendations for decision, adoption, change or any similar course of action by policymakers whether local, national, or global.
Manuscripts, using Times New Roman or Calibri font size 12 and in single space or 1.5 spacing, must be submitted on CD, email attachment, or hard copy. Margins should be between 1” and 1.5.” Manuscripts must use 8.5 x 11 paper size and must be around 15 pages in length (around 7,500 words). Manuscripts must include abstracts and proper references with end notes kept to a minimum. References should be in Chicago format and cited in-text preferably through endnotes. But in-text citations for contributions from the natural, physical and health sciences may use the author-date system. A writing style that is comprehensible and easy to read is preferred and welcomed. Authors may submit tables, graphs, maps, illustrations and other artwork with the manuscript.
Contributors may also submit book reviews, essay reviews, review essays, or article reviews. These articles, two to five (2-5) pages long and an average of 500 words per page, should be in the format as stated above. Authors of books reviewed by contributors can respond with articles following the same format.
All manuscripts must be original. Authors should be prepared to rewrite their articles in accordance with the comments and suggestions of referees. The editors will not assume any responsibility for manuscripts received; materials will be returned only if a written request for these is made by the author/s.
The deadline of the articles’ submission would be on September 27, 2015. For any inquiries, please contact Jeff Asuncion, Lea Diño, or Rose Punay through [email protected] or [email protected] and 4359283, 9288387 or 981-8500 loc 4267 / 4268.
The Journal
The PPJ was established in 1996 to “examine in depth contemporary key economic, social and political issues facing the country.” It was expected be “an authoritative journal for public policy guidance to be disseminated to other academic institutions, policy makers in government, the private business sector and non-government organizations.” The journal’s initial issue first saw print in the last quarter of 1997. PPJ thenbecame a bi-annual publication during the 2000s.
The PPJ contains four to seven (4-7) main articles and some book reviews. The articles are mainly solicited by the Editor. The articles contain important insights into the making of public policy in the country, in the region, and the world. The articles may spring from researches which are funded by the CIDS, those previously read in national or international conferences or those which may be purposively or specifically requested by the Editor from leading academics and researchers.