Gov’t agencies need social media policies for better exchange with the public

As part of the President Edgardo J. Angara (PEJA) Fellowship lecture series, the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (CIDS) and the UP College of Mass Communication (CMC) hosted “Formulating a Social Media Policy for Frontline Government Agencies to Improve Public Communication” with Dr. Clarissa David at the Bulwagan ng Dangal at University Main Library last July 5, 2016. The lecture addressed the issues in the engagement of three Philippine frontline agencies, namely the Department of Education, Department of Health, and the PAGIBIG fund, with the public through social media channels.
Dr. David is one of the five fellows awarded the previous year and is a professor at the UP CMC. Her researches focus on public opinion, political communication, public interventions, and communicating policy.

CIDS Executive Director Edna E.A. Co opened the program and delivered UP President Alfredo E. Pascual’s message in his stead. Mr. Mikey Abola delivered the message of Senator Edgardo J. Angara.
Dr. David stressed the dual function of government agencies’ social media channels: to serve announcements and be the digital complaints and grievances desk of the public. As such, proper and helpful engagements must be observed. However, Dr. David advised against infographics that most do not appreciate and photos with public officials that the public deem unnecessary. Finally, Dr. David proposed social media engagement policies and guidelines to ensure effective communication with the public, who are now more inclined to use social media with its ubiquity, accessibility, and immediacy.
Prof. Rachel E. Khan from CMC and Ms. Chay Hofileña of Rappler shared their insights and comments on Dr. David’s study. The open forum followed and CMC Associate Dean Arminda V. Santiago closed the program.
Dr. Clarissa David’s lecture slides can be downloaded below.