The CIDS Library collection is encoded into the computer for easy bibliographic access and retrieval. Integration of the collection in UP Diliman Library System’s Integrated Library (iLib) is ongoing.
Its collection includes the following:
A. Books and other materials
The book collection consists of approximately 5,000 volumes acquired through purchase, gift, exchange, donations and direct solicitations. The cores of the UP CIDS book library collection are the following:
- Books and Journals
- Books housed in the UP CIDS library provide a wide range of topics, from history to political science, from education and Mindanao studies. Its old but valuable book and journal collection provides researchers the information they needed of the past and the present. It is now mixed with PEA core and the newly donated books for CIDS.
- UP CIDS Publications
- One of the products of the CIDS is its publications. Through the years of the CIDS existence, the Center has produced a bunch of publications coming from the programs and projects it once and currently funding. All of this publication is housed in the library and has its separate space in the library.
- Following the digitization of all the UP CIDS publications, patrons and researchers of the library can get access on the Centers fine products. The digitization will also make sure that its publication will be preserved for the years to come.
B. UPCIDS-funded project research reports.
These research reports make the Center’s library unique from any other library. Those reports were accumulated thru the years starting from its establishment of CIDS up to the present. This is the very treasure of the Center and these are products of years of research and hard work of CIDS researchers and fellows.
These research products needed a home where they can be safely kept and at the same time be made accessible to the general public. The UP CIDS library is the perfect place where it can be properly maintained and be made available for researchers and to the public. After all, these researches are funded by the people and intended for the people.
C. Serials Collection
- Periodical and journals. The library periodicals and journals are acquired through subscriptions and gifts/exchange. These are recorded on the main file for serials and are arranged alphabetically by source/titled. The latest issues are displayed in the magazine rack and are indexed and file in alphabetical order by subject. Old issues are inventoried, bundled and filed in periodical shelves arranged alphabetically by title.
- Newsletters, bulletin, annual reports, brochures and pamphlets. All these are gifts from local and foreign institutions.