Editor’s Note
Edna E.A. Co ix–xi
PUBLIC POLICY: Volume 15, Number 2 (2016)

Social Media Use by Frontline Government Agencies: Review and Recommendations
Clarissa C. David 50–72
Do Investments Respond to Taxation and Incentives?: Evidence from the Philippines
Stella A. Quimbo, Xylee Javier, Meg Regañon, Loraine Gallevo, and Romero FS. Quimbo 73–121
Measuring the Performance of the Philippine Scientific Enterprise System
Caesar A. Saloma 122–161
Empowering Filipino Women Seafarers in the Maritime Sector
Lucia P. Tangi 162–198
Mind the Skills Gap: The Case of the Philippines
Senator Juan Edgardo “Sonny” M. Angara 199–207
Speech Review: “Mind the Skills Gap: The Case of the Philippines”
Emily Christi A. Cabegin 208–212