Orville Jose C. Solon
Dean, UP School of Economics xi–xii
PUBLIC POLICY: Volume 16 – 17(2017)

John Philip S. Orbeta
Managing Director, Ayala Corporation xiii
Editors’ Note
Joseph J. Capuno and Edna E. A. Co
Issue Editors xiv–xv
Beg Your Pardon? The Philippines is Already Federalized in All but Name
Jorge V. Tigno 1–14
Natural Resource Management and Federalism in the Philippines: Much Ado About Nothing?
Agustin L. Arcenas, Cielo D. Magno, and Rupert J.A. Bustamante IV 15–27
Caught Between Imperial Manila and the Provincial Dynasties: Towards a New Fiscal Federalism
Ronald U. Mendoza and Jude B. Ocampo 28–51
Health Care Financing
Orville Jose C. Solon, Alejandro N. Herrin, and Jhiedon L. Florentino 78–97
Tugs of War: Local Governments, National Government
Joseph J. Capuno 98–116
Rethinking the Taxation of Compensation Income in the Philippines
Stella A. Quimbo and Xylee Javier 117–136
Next Generation Tax Reform in the Philippines
Renato E. Reside, Jr. 137–154
The Case for the Philippine Competition Law
Ma. Joy V. Abrenica and Johannes R. Bernabe 155–174
A Concert of Institutions: Challenges for Power Sector Governance
Raphael P.M. Lotilla 175–191
What May the Philippines Get from Joining Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?
Ramon L. Clarete 192–212
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP): Time to Let Go
Raul V. Fabella 213–228
About the Authors 229–233