Revisiting Flexible Learning Options (FLOs) in Basic Education in the Philippines: Implications for Senior High School (SHS)

Naomi Fontanos, Junette Fatima Gonzales, Kathrina Lucasan, and Dina S. Ocampo
From the Introduction: “With the DepEd announcing the utilization and scaling up of alternative learning strategies for SY 2020–2021 as part of its learning continuity plan in response to COVID-19 (Mateo 2020), questions on how teaching, learning, and assessment will take place have been raised particularly for the Senior High School (SHS) level, whose tracks with specialized subjects may not lend easily to distance learning or ADMs. Thus, this paper seeks to answer the question: Through what FLOs can the senior high school (SHS) program be delivered? To do this, the paper takes stock of what the DepEd has done in the past to enact FLOs and revisits its experience in integrating ICT. Based on these, the paper offers recommendations that may inform policy decisions to help the DepEd navigate the “new normal” in basic education and articulate a long-term vision particularly in the delivery of the K to 12 SHS program both in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.”
Read and/or download the UP CIDS Education Research Program (ERP)’s full technical note below:
Technical Note - Revisiting Flexible Learning Options (FLOs) in Basic Education in the Philippines (September 2020)