Ian Nicole Generalao, Geoffrey Ducanes, Karol Mark Yee, and Clarissa C. David

Teacher Education in the Philippines: Are We Meeting the Demand for Quality?
The Philippines’ dismal performance in recent international assessments (e.g., PISA in 2018; TIMSS and SEA-PLM in 2019) evince that a learning crisis persists and remains a formidable challenge for the country. This is despite the many educational reforms undertaken in recent years, such as resolving the decades-long backlog in school infrastructure, expanding access to early childhood education, upgrading teacher salaries, and enhancing the basic education curriculum. Although there is a myriad of factors that contribute to poor learner outcomes, there is a consensus in literature regarding the central role played by the teacher in these dynamics. This has motivated the researchers’ study of teacher education programs in higher education institutions (HEIs), particularly in their capacity to effectively prepare pre-service teachers for the profession. To fully understand this phenomenon, the researchers explored the profile of teacher education programs in the country in the past decade, and used multiple regression analysis to examine the relationship between performance in the Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET) and the characteristics of the HEI attended (e.g., student-to-faculty ratio, HEI type, location, size, year established). It was found that between 2010 to 2016, an outsized proportion of poor quality were in Mindanao, particularly in BARMM and Region 12. Not coincidentally, these are the same regions where not a single institution has been able to hurdle CHED requirements to become a Center of Excellence (COE) in Teacher Education. Further analysis shows that attending programs in small HEIs is associated with a 14 to 17 percentage point disadvantage in the LET, relative to large institutions. Meanwhile, SUCs are seen to perform better in LET Elementary, whereas private HEIs and LUCs perform slightly better in LET Secondary. The proponents of this study put forward policy recommendations aimed at curbing the prevalence of non-performing HEIs, providing incentives for quality among TEIs, and strengthening oversight and coordination of the space.
Member | Discipline | Institutional Affiliation |
Maria Ela L. Atienza, Ph.D. | Political Science | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Aileen S.P. Baviera, Ph.D. | Asian Studies | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Allan B.I. Bernardo, Ph.D. | Psychology | University of Macau |
Marie Therese A.P. Bustos, Ph.D. |
Education | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Dominique Caouette, Ph.D. | Political Science | University of Montreal |
Miriam Coronel-Ferrer | Political Science | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Vedi R. Hadiz, Ph.D. | Political Science | University of Melbourne |
Tim Harper, Ph.D. | History | Cambridge University |
Caroline S. Hau, Ph.D. | Cultural and Literary Studies | Kyoto University |
Kevin Hewison, Ph.D. | Political Science | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Paul D. Hutchcroft, Ph.D. | Political Science | Australian National University |
Yutaka Katayama, Ph.D. | Political Science | Kobe University |
Benedict J. Tria Kerkvliet, Ph.D. | Political Science | Australian National University |
Lau Kin Chi, Ph.D. | Cultural Studies | Lingnan University |
Herman Joseph S. Kraft | Political Science | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Joseph Anthony Y. Lim, Ph.D. | Economics | Ateneo de Manila University |
Manuel F. Montes, Ph.D. | Economics | The South Center, Geneva |
Macrina A. Morados | Islamic Studies | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Fidel R. Nemenzo, D.Sc. | Mathematics | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Dina Joana S. Ocampo, Ph.D. | Education | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Maureen C. Pagaduan | Community Development | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Annette O. Pelkmans-Balaoing, Ph.D. | Economics | Erasmus University Rotterdam |
Antoinette R. Raquiza, Ph.D. | Political Economy | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Takashi Shiraishi, Ph.D. | History | Kyoto University |
John T. Sidel. Ph.D. | Political Science | London School of Economics |
Guillermo Q. Tabios, III, Ph.D. | Civil Engineering | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Eduardo C. Tadem, Ph.D. | Asian Studies | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Mark R. Thompson, Ph.D. | Political Science | City University of Hong Kong |
Jorge V. Tigno, DPA | Political Science | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Olle Törnquist, Ph.D. | Political Science | University of Oslo |
Marie Aubrey J. Villaceran, Ph.D. | English Studies | University of the Philippines Diliman |
Recommended Citation
Generelao, Ian Nicole, Geoffrey Ducanes, Karol Mark Yee, and Clarissa C. David. 2022. “Teacher Education in the Philippines: Are We Meeting the Demand for Quality?” Philippine Journal for Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives, 2022: 1–65.
Generelao, I. N., Ducanes, G., Yee, K. M., & David, C. C. (2022). Teacher education in the Philippines: Are we meeting the demand for quality? Philippine Journal for Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives, 2022: 1–65.