UP CIDS AltDev Contributes to Critical Dialogue at ACSC/APF 2024 in Timor Leste

Photo: Dr. Eduardo C. Tadem, Convenor of AltDev, UP CIDS, during the Asean Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People’s Forum (ACSC/APF) 2024, held in Dili, Timor Leste.
The Program on Alternative Development (AltDev) of UP CIDS participated once again in the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Peoples’ Forum (ACSC/APF) 2024, held in Dili, Timor Leste, from 19-21 September 2024, at the Escola Secundaria Tecnica Vocational-Grupo de Tecnologia e Industria Becora.
AltDev Convenor, Prof. Emeritus Eduardo C. Tadem, was a panelist in the second plenary session, “A Critical Overview for ASEAN Mechanism.” He was joined by representatives from the ASEAN Parliamentarian for Human Rights, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, Rohingya Maiyafuinor Collaborative Network, and the Deputy Ombudsman of Timor Leste.
The discussion addressed pressing issues related to human rights, governance, and ASEAN’s regional mechanisms, critically assessing the ongoing processes of regionalism and integration in Southeast Asia.
Additionally, Dr. Tadem presented his paper on “Alternative Approaches to Territorial Disputes in Southeast Asia and Beyond” at the workshop organized by the Viet Nam Peace and Development Foundation on “The Role of People’s Organization in Building and Maintaining Peace and Security in ASEAN Region.”
AltDev Junior Research Analyst Ryan Martinez convened the convergence space on “Working People, Neoliberalism, and Alternative Regionalism,” which featured workshops on themes such as “Grassroots Democracy and People’s Vision for Alternative Regionalism,” “Southeast Asia’s Working People’s Struggles for Decent Work and Universal Social Protection,” and “Transformative Economy Strategies for Alternative Regionalism.”
These sessions and convergence spaces were co-organized with various progressive organizations, including Progressive Voice Myanmar, Gender and Development for Cambodia, the Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC), Asia Roundtable on Social Protection Network (AROSP), Asian Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC), Homenet Southeast Asia, Solidarity and Peoples’ Education through Lifelong Learning (SPELL), All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia, Komite Esperansa, Kdadalak Sulimutuk Institute, Konfederasi Pergerakan Rakyat Indonesia, Serikat Petani Pasundan, and the Movement for Alternatives and Solidarity in Southeast Asia, among others.
A live television broadcast featured civil society figures from Southeast Asia, including Dr. Tadem and Gus Miclat of the Philippines, Debbie Stothard from Malaysia, Khin Ohmar from Myanmar, and Elisabeth Araújo from Timor Leste. The recording of the broadcast can be viewed here.
AltDev is one of the Research Programs of the Center for Integrative and Development Studies (CIDS), of the University of the Philippines (UP)’s research policy unit. Learn more and download FREE policy papers from AltDev.