Program on Data Science For Public Policy (DSPPP)
Source/Credit: Joyce Marie LagacSenior Project Assistant Julius Paolo Basa and Junior Research Analyst Joyce Marie Lagac attends Day 1 of the Data Scrapping Training of DSPP Research Fellow Dr. Vladimer Kobayashi for their research activity on Analysis of Education-to-Labor-Market and Job-to-Job Transitions.
Source/Credit: Joyce Marie LagacDay 2 of the Data Scrapping Training of DSPP Research Fellow Dr. Vladimer Kobayashi for their research activity on Analysis of Education-to-Labor-Market and Job-to-Job Transitions
Source/Credit: Joyce Marie LagacDSPP Research Fellow Dr. Vladimer Kobayashi teaches participants text analysis using the program R
Source/Credit: Joyce Marie LagacDSPP Research Fellow Dr. Vladimer Kobayashi teaches participants text analysis using the program R
Source/Credit: Joyce Marie LagacDSPP Research Fellow Dr. Vladimer Kobayashi teaches participants text analysis using the program R.
Source/Credit: Joyce Marie LagacDSPP Convenor Dr. Jalton Taguibao presides over the consultation meeting with UP Diliman’s CMC and Dr. George Solano of UP Manila.
Source/Credit: Joyce Marie LagacThe group met to discuss the Digital Public Pulse project, a media-monitoring project that traces, maps, and analyzes public discourses in the Philippine digital public sphere.
Data science can help understand some of the country’s most vexing problems in the public sector, especially when information is available. Nearly all aspects of governance operate using complex systems made up of networks of interrelated, interdependent, and multicontextual factors. The most innovative tools of data science and analytics have opened up new possibilities for empirical examination of social problems best studied within the complex systems framework.
As such, the Program on Data Science for Public Policy was established as a a series of research projects and interconstituent unit (CU) research engagement activities for various agendas of national public policy. It generally seeks to build capacity and craft research agenda toward applied data science analytics through complex systems frameworks.
DSPP has three objectives. First, it aims to build the capacity of UP faculty in data science and apply this learned skill to public policy and governance. Second, it seeks to engage a community of researchers within the university and encourage the pursuit of interdisciplinary problem-oriented research using high-level quantitative analyses. Finally, it strives to convene multidisciplinary teams of social scientists, humanists, and scientists to research issues in the public sector.
Not Just a Lab Story: Insights to Improve Science Reporting in the Philippines | Policy Brief 2019-09 562 KB 52 downloads
UP CIDS Policy Brief 2019-09 ...Examining China's Foreign Policy in Northeast Asia: Implications for the Philippines | Policy Brief 18-009 745 KB 33 downloads
UP CIDS PB 18-009 ...Marginal Representation: Party-list and Legislative Productivity at the House of Representatives, 1998-2016 | Policy Brief 18-008 813 KB 121 downloads
UP CIDS PB 18-008 ...Activities and Projects
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View the Term Reports from 2018 to 2024 for a list of DSPPP programs and activities, which include meetings, webinars, and/or publications (forthcoming or already published).
You may visit the DSPPP’s Microsite for more details and resources.
The Team
Ebinezer Florano, Ph.D.
National College of Public Administration and Governance
University of the Philippines Diliman
Vladimer B. Kobayashi, Ph.D.
Research Fellow
Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science University of the Philippines Mindanao
Maria Margarita R. Lavides, Ph.D.
University of the Philippines Diliman Extension Program in Pampanga and Olongapo
Lilian Marfil
Center for Integrative and Development Studies
University of the Philippines