Watch Recordings | Sipat Edukasyon 2022: An Online Research Dissemination Forum

Everyone is invited to an online research dissemination forum via Zoom, “Sipat Edukasyon 2022” on 21 November 2022, 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm, Philippine Standard Time. The forum is free and open to the public, but virtual seating is first-come, first-served. This event was given accreditation of 3 credit units for Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Watch the Playlist on YouTube
Sipat Edukasyon is the annual research dissemination forum of the Education Research Program of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS). It aims to share ERP’s research output with various stakeholders and to generate discussions to encourage future studies.
For this year, Sipat Edukasyon 2022’s presentations cover language experiences of children, multiliteracy assessments, and fighting disinformation. The forum will be moderated by Dr. Dina Ocampo, Co-Convenor of the ERP and Professor at the UP College of Education. Co-organized with De La Salle Philippines, Sipat Edukasyon 2022 will also be livestreamed at the Facebook page of UP CIDS.
Click on the titles to view the abstracts (new tab) or view the gallery below:
Developing the Multi-literacy Assessments for Filipino Children: Kindergarten to Grade 3
- Margaret Mary Rosary Carmel Espenilla-Fua
- Kathrina Lorraine Lucasan
- Mariah Erika Manlangit
Case Studies on Oral Language Experiences of Children in the Home Setting
- Leonor Ercillo Diaz
- Marie Yvette Concepcion-Alcazar
- Romina Palma Beltran-Almazan
- Charo Marie Defeo-Baquial
- Hazelle Preclaro-Ongtengco
- Melanie Joy Gunio
Communicative Language Use of Children in Low-Income Communities: Research to Build On
- Jennica Varias
- Audrey Morallo
- Rizza Mae Baligad
Investigating How Teachers Assess the Trustworthiness of Online Information
- Lorina Calingasan
- Junette Fatima Gonzales
- Karen Angela Hernandez
View: Speaker Profiles • Program
For queries about Sipat Edukasyon, please email Karen Hernandez: [email protected]
The Education Research Program is one of 12 programs under the University of the Philippines’ Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS). It conducts research and publishes on the Philippine educational landscape to contribute to the deeper understanding of current issues in the field. Recently, it published the policy brief, “Understanding learners’ home contexts and recommendations for future school scenarios.”
Visit the ERP page to learn more about the Program and download more publications.
The UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS) is a policy research unit of the University that is mandated to encourage collaborative and rigorous research addressing issues of national significance. Currently, it has 12 research programs. Learn more and download recent CIDS publications.