Generating Education Resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis and Recommendations

Mark Angelo B. Abinsay, Aser B. Javier, Ph.D., and Junette Gonzales
Education institutions are rushing to explore new ways in ensuring the continuity of learning and preparing for the opening of classes while safeguarding the health and safety of its learners and personnel during this pandemic. With physical face-to-face classes in schools suspended, the Department of Education (DepEd) issued the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), which identifies alternative education interventions and possible learning modalities (including eventual return to face-to-face classes) to help schools and field offices operationalize their own respective plans. However, a challenge in realizing this setup is access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) and to learning resources for both learners and teachers. With schools and other educational institutions being at the forefront of learning, it is imperative for its leaders to be able to evaluate its capabilities and look for additional resources from potential partners and sources of funds to ensure access and quality educational services.
Read and/or download the UP CIDS Education Research Program (ERP)’s full technical note below:
Technical Note - Generating Education Resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic (August 2020)